Sunday came about and the weather forecasts had said that the winds would gradually decrease and the rain to slack off. It appeared from the comfort of my sofa that this was going to be the case, so Kiv's duely came down from Derry and we met up at my house. The bike was taken out of the yard and the gear was put on. Fantastic! All was well. We began by heading on the motorway towards Carrickfergus, past the imposing castle and along the coast towards the smaller villages. It was here that the first shower was encountered. This wasn't in the plan! The temperature was also dropping and I was grateful for the heated grips! The roads here twist and camber as you hug the shoreline, the winds were also getting stronger and the 50-60mph gusts had most definitely not subsided!
But as we passed through Glenarm and Cushendun and Cushendall you can't help but notice the scenery, despite the weather (or maybe because of it!). As you drive up the twists of the Glens of Antrim, you notice the smaller features, the indigenous woods that hug the steep moutain sides and the sense that you are transported almost back in time. A small goat will scurry from the road up a rocky outcrop to get out of your way and you can't help but smile. There are small (and larger) waterfalls beside you dancing off the basalt outcrops and as you pass you can almost 'smell' them. It's quite bizarre. Several places along hte road have literally been cut out of the cliffs, so you gun the throttle as you pass through them just to hear the amplified noise of your engine. With each twist of the road,I was having to downshift a gear as the surface was greasy, but the Metzler tyres gripped supremely and there was no difficulty. Once through the villages, a steep rise is negotiated and you find that you are on top of a mountain. Here the winds became exceptionally strong, enhanced by the lack of tree over and so they blow over what I guess is a moor unhindered. The view was spectacular and so we stopped to take it all it. The road here is quite straight, man's defiance of nature laid over the crest of the slope.

The ride to Derry was more sedate, although over the 'Coleraine Mountain' the winds weren't half as bad given that there are forests on either side, so the worst of it is sheltered from you.
I knew that I would be riding home to Belfast later in the evening, although the last time I had done that it had become something of a spiritual journey, so I was actually looking forward to it. Sure enough I set off and I was in a bubble, or so it felt. The bike became a companion, and alive, rather than a machine. Once over the Glenshane Pass i stopped for a smoke, and the heavens opened. But there was no annoyance at this, I had all my gear on and although I was aware it was cold, I myself wasn't cold. I swept into Belfast, the faster I went the easier things seemed to become on the bike...and in my head! The lights of Belfast were welcoming after the darkness of the motorway, but I find on this bike, that being alone on the road in the dark is comforting in some strange way. But when I got home, I was glad to light the fire and lie on the sofa. But this days riding remains to date, the most hardcore conditions in which I've biked. I feel I can move up a gear now though - Tunisia here I come!!