Friday, 20 January 2017

It Kicked Like A Mule

Funny how when a fundamental change occurs in one’s life, the ripple effect can be profound. For me, that occurred on 15th December. Suddenly, like a kick from a mule, I realised how my life had been devoid of any real responsibility and had been utterly care free. I had been, for years, drifting in a sea of my own musings but, as it turned out, slowly drowning in them. 

I have come to realise the utter meaninglessness of my life to date – that might sound melodramatic and dark, but I mean it in a positive way, I have been given a new ‘centre’. What I thought was important wasn’t, but with that comes a new lack of patience for general bullsh*t and there is a lot of it about as things would turn out. Like a new set of lenses on my eyes, I now see the futility of what many of us do on a day to day basis. I also have a reference point that lets me see just how fast the world turns, and how quickly time really does go by; previously it was a cliché but now it’s a frightening reality. It has brought my own mortality into sharp focus which has been uncomfortable – if things go really well, I’m still half way through the ride!

I have re-evaluated and come to the conclusion that I need to make changes, quickly too! Family is now more than a simple buzz-word that I previously thought I understood but didn’t, it is a reality and an all-encompassing one at that with a love that until experienced, is impossible to describe. Writing, and travel are more than mere hobbies, they are what I want to do, they are part of my soul and the fabric of my being.

It is that time of year again when we emerge from the darkness, and for 2017 I genuinely feel like I am climbing from a dark cave into a new world. There is an underlying excitement that I have, perhaps, not felt for some time. I will hopefully soon be blogging about more sites with bigger and better pictures. It is a world worth exploring! The bike stands ready!